Infrastructures and Transport
Control over Maintenance Management – CMMS
Centralize and manage the maintenance tasks of your assets in a preventive and proactive way from your tablet or other devices.
Delonia’s CMMS software puts an end to the mountains of paperwork and endless Excel sheets that sometimes have to be used to maintain facilities of varying complexity.
The solution enables maintenance work to be carried out safely, efficiently and quickly. Work orders (WO) are defined in advance and clearly. The operator can run them from his tablet or mobile phone without prior experience in using the tool.
The platform allows an orderly management of the work with a flow where the operator checks or repairs, the technical manager controls and the supervisor validates. Centralized information enables optimal control of documentation and reduces administrative work to a minimum. The system manages and documents actions to facilitate audits on the activity without additional work.
Delonia offers a CMMS specifically designed for infrastructure maintenance in the industrial sector but is adaptable to other areas. It is fully configurable and adjusts to any maintenance, preventive or corrective activity.
All operations and notifications are digitized and automated to streamline work and minimize human errors.
Budget Control
By monitoring and knowing how long each task takes to complete, information is available to help better manage budgets and reduce maintenance costs.
The digital platform is intuitive to use, allows you to start working right from the beginning and offers a huge capacity for growth.
A simple tablet is all it takes to have a comprehensive work tool that can also be connected to other software in the company if it is necessary to link environments.
Any information is recovered in a couple of clicks, current or historical data that affects the life cycle of the equipment. There is no need to go through papers or files.
Information and operations are easily communicated and shared to the team and customers, minimising the use of other parallel communication channels.
The system serves both employees and members of external partner companies, as well as for preventive and corrective work.
The team is relieved of a huge workload that can be used for more productive work. Operational efficiency is increased and downtime is reduced.
The security of all (users and employees) is optimized, while at the same time simplifying the sectoral audit processes to which the company is subject.
Management platform for companies and organisations responsible for the maintenance of infrastructures and installations in the industrial sector:
- Transport: train stations, airports, ports…
- Energy: chemical plants, power plants…
Video analysis
Planning and programming of maintenance, availability, automation and assignment of associated tasks.
Task Manager
Automatic task generation. The application generates all work orders and the manager distributes them. Configuration of operations, associated tasks, description of resources, assignment of employees and association of documents.
Inventory module
To facilitate control over assets, replenishment of resources and allow optimal response in each situation.
Report Management
Reports of all maintenance categories, favoring the report for external auditors.
Warning systems
Automated alerts to anticipate and detect deviations and faults. Each operator will not only see the actions he has to take to fulfil the work order, but will also record each step or check.
Profile rating
For the technical staff associated with each maintenance task allowing automatic allocation of assigned activities.
Control panel
The system generates a map that allows you to monitor the general maintenance situation on the spot. Managers know in real time the status of the infrastructure and the process in which each work order is in the process.
Profile manager
Highly configurable to allow the registration of different profiles and to modulate the accessibility to the tool’s functionalities.

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