Technology Consulting and Software Development Services.
Turnkey solutions for Industrial and Enterprise Management, Mobility and Systems Integration.

Solutions for insurance companies

New solutions for the insurance sector.


We apply quality methodologies and processes that make the systems robust. We provide validation and certification mechanisms for software developed by Delonia or third parties. In addition, we intervene in other projects to solve specific problems.


Our solutions are not only fast and efficient, but also tailored to the customer’s needs and fully customizable. Success in the project translates into customer satisfaction. We are always driven by the desire to provide solutions to problems.

Delonia Magazine

The frustration of the engineer

The biggest enemy of those who work seriously in the field of new technologies, software development, or any of the disciplines that seek to improve processes, data, people's lives with new (or old) technologies, is frustration. While not unique to the IT industry,...

The welcome experience in digital health

How to generate a good welcoming experience for new health insurance customers. How to make a good Digital Welcome Pack for customers to have an optimal image of the company and take advantage of the features available in their private area of insured.

Trial and error: success through failure

Learning from mistakes is more than just a catch phrase, it is an effective method to solve problems. In the English-speaking world it is known as the trail and error method. One of the bases of this method is the iterative process a cyclical technique where each step...

Mariella Diaz, member of Princeton University, visits Delonia

The Assistant Director, Mariella Diaz of the International Internship Program at Princeton University (New Jersey, USA), visited Delonia's offices to learn first-hand about the opportunities that our company offers to interns from all over the world. One of Mariella...
El inglés, la lengua de la tecnología

English, the language of technology

Spanish people, despite communicating in one of the most widely spoken languages on the planet, have a language invaded by Anglicisms: blog, casual, catering, hardware, hashtag, hit, marketing, premium, sandwich, software, spoiler, test... the list is long. An aspect...

Service Authorizing Center

Online service authorizing center of the Delonia digital health platform for health insurance and health benefits

Páginas web tecnológicas: ríos digitales de información

Technological websites: digital rivers of information

Half a century ago the future was often depicted with the image of a world full of flying cars, a prophecy that has not come true (at least not yet). On the other hand, as far as we know, no one predicted that we would carry a small device in our pocket from which we...
La belleza de lo sencillo

The beauty of simplicity

Delivering is everything, until then what we do is in our personal domain, where it can have whatever form and substance we want. When we deliver our work it becomes visible, and we should not spoil a good job with a bad presentation. It is of little use to have...
Estoicismo y software

Stoicism and software

Stoicism is based on four principles: wisdom, courage, temperance and justice. Although the ideas of Diogenes, Epictetus, Marcus Aurelius or Seneca are more than 2000 years old, their teachings not only do not go out of fashion but have nowadays gained an unexpected...

Digital Veterinary Card

Digital veterinary record book and interconnected networks of veterinary centers

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