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In 2020, the Madrid City Council created the Artificial Intelligence Cluster to promote the development and use of this type of technology within the CAM innovation ecosystem, taking into account the number of use cases in which it is already being applied with great good results. We have examples in all sectors and business areas: health, environment, industry, tourism, etc. The fact that Madrid companies and research centers acquire the necessary “expertise” in this technology would make Madrid a world benchmark in terms of Artificial Intelligence with the generation of wealth that this would entail for the community.

The Cluster headquarters is located in the Parque Científico, Tecnológico y Empresarial Leganés Tecnológico. This place is an initiative of the Community of Madrid (CAM) and the City Council of Leganés in collaboration with the University Carlos III of Madrid (UC3M). In addition to Delonia, 20 companies and institutions participate in the cluster. Google is another company that has joined the project.


AI, IOT, Blockchain and Digital Transformation


In addition to the AI Cluster, three new clusters have been created: IOT (Internet of Things), Blockchain and Digital Transformation. The aim is to turn Madrid into a centre of innovation in this type of disruptive technologies with a high impact on our society.

Within the AI Cluster Delonia participates in 2 working groups: Industry and Health on the one hand and Sustainability, Tourism and Mobility on the other hand. The working groups have already defined a series of relevant use cases with which to initiate the cluster’s activity.


Healthcare and environment


These use cases are:
Smart Emergency Services (SES)
The objective is to predict the demand for a hospital emergency service so that the necessary resources, staff and available beds can be allocated more efficiently. In addition, an assisted triage system has been added to refer patients who do not need immediate assistance to non-urgent services. In addition to Delonia, this working group includes the companies Hitachi, Vodafone, Inetum and UC3M.

Air Quality Sustainability
ties are responsible for almost 70% of CO2 emissions. The working group proposes a system that identifies the sources of air pollution and allows prescribing the most effective measures to environmental quality in a population. The Sustainability, Transport and Tourism project includes the companies Hitachi, Izertis, Inetum, Delonia and Universidad Nebrija.

This project takes on special importance after Madrid was selected for the NetZeroCities, included in the plan “100 Climate Neutral and Smart Cities by 2030”. The initiative aims to drastically reduce greenhouse gas emissions with the goal of achieving climate neutrality.

Delonia has integrated perfectly into the AI cluster and we look forward to helping our colleagues in the different groups to achieve the objectives assigned to the cluster.